The M E A is a coalition of faith based and Hippocratic medical and nursing bodies which seeks to promote discussion within the medical profession and the general public on ethical aspects of medicine. It looks to the Declaration of Geneva 1948 and the Hippocratic Oath for inspiration.
We attest and affirm the humanity , dignity and rights of all people.
We work hard to suport the development and maitenance of good medical ethics, which truly suport the wellbeing and welfare of all people.
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Catholic Bishops statement on 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act
"We have the highest regard for every woman who, in difficult and adverse conditions, has made the courageous decision to continue her pregnancy and give birth to her child. We thank the charities, and those who donate to them, for their solidarity and support.
It is our desire and aim that those who face agonising decisions surrounding pregnancy should be fully informed of both the positive alternatives which would enable them to keep their child and the tragic consequences of abortion.
We are grateful to all those who work through our political system to protect human life from the moment of conception. We urge those who seek to reform the current abortion legislation to continue their good work.
We are aware that people of all faiths, and of many different convictions, uphold the duty to protect the unborn child. This 50th anniversary needs to bring about a new debate to change attitudes towards human life in the womb, to promote what it means to make good and authentic choices, and to protect and care for mothers and their children.
We have the highest regard for every woman who, in difficult and adverse conditions, has made the courageous decision to continue her pregnancy and give birth to her child. We thank the charities, and those who donate to them, for their solidarity and support.
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